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Unlimited, self-service employment agreements and offers
Create legally compliant individual employment agreements and offer documents and sign, store and manage them all in the cloud.
For a specific role and candidate you can generate:
• Letter of Offer (inclusive of tracked conditions);
• Employment Agreement (Permanent; Fixed Term; Casual);
• Job Description (from a library of 2,000+); and
• 100% paperless Digital Offer with native e-Signing and cloud filing.
For a specific employee you can create and manage:
• Letter of Offer conditions tracking;
• Employee account access to read and acknowledge workplace policies (tracked);
• Employee account access to digitally manage tax and payroll forms;
• Letter of Variation (amending the individual employment agreement);
• Employment Agreement (Permanent; Fixed Term; Casual);
• Letters and notes relating to the employment relationship; and
• Tracked records of working visas, licences, professional or trade association memberships, certifications, required to work.
Your subscription cost is for a single entity, 2 admin users and unlimited staff and documents.
Unlimited Subscription: $99+gst per month (billed in advance).
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Disclaimer: Employr provides information and agreements reviewed by a New Zealand employment law expert. We cannot provide legal advice or legal representation. For complex employment matters, or legal representation we recommend you engage a lawyer.